
2019-23     PI individualized Paediatric Cure (Horizon 2020, ID 826121)

2020-22     PI& Coordinator CronXCov Fast Track covid-19 call (prot. aooarea/2020/0004775)

2016-19     PI The continuum between healthy ageing and idiopathic Parkinson Disease within a propagation perspective of inflammation and damage, H2020 (ID 634821).

2013-16     PI& Coordinator Nano-Structured Acupuncture Needle Application in Rheumatoid Arthritis Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) International Cooperation (ID 2013DFA30790, the largest grant in the institute at the time)

2012-15     PI KEPAMOD—Knowledge exchange in processing and analysis of multi-omic data, Marie Curie Actions—International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRISES, ID 294935)

2012-15     PI& Coordinator Autoimmune Disease Therapies: variations on the microbiome in rheumatoid arthritis, National Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC, ID 31171277). 

2013-14:    PI & Coordinator Identification of mechanisms of action of RA therapies in model animals. Visiting Fellowship for International Scientists, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (ID, 2013Y1SA0008),

2011-13     PI& Coordinator Molecular Interaction Reconstruction of Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapies Using Clinical Data, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC, grant n. 31070748),

2011-13     PI, Systems Biology approach for genotype to phenotype modelling, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (ID KSCX2-EW-J-1)

2011-12     PI Intelligent needle with wireless connection to internet for biophysical bases of acupuncture Nanotera Sino Swiss Science and technology Consortium Pilot grant (ID)

2011          PI&Coordinator Systems biology, computational immunology, Visiting Professor Fellowship for International Scientists, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (ID 2011Y1SA04)

2009-11     PI Applying network analysis methods to reverse-engineering of gene-networks Science and Technology Fellowship Programme (SSTC), FP7, European Community (ID. STF13#168615).

2009-11     PI&Coordinator Nano-structured Bio-Chip development for Stem Cells Monitoring SNSF Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation Project (SSSTC, ID IZLCZ2 123967).