Abstract in atti di convegno
A reaction-diffusion model to predict the regeneration of cardiac tissues via stem cell therapy |
A Bioventing Mathematical Model Based on Pure Oxygen Injection |
A mathematical model and the simulation of subsoil decontamination by bioventing will be presented. The bases for the model construction are the following: (1) the pollutant is considered as immobile and confined in the unsaturated zone; (2) only oxygen is injected in the subsoil by wells; (3)… | |
AMG based on compatible weighted matching for GPUs |
We describe the main issues found in the design of an efficient implementation, tailored to GPGPUs, of an Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) preconditioner recently proposed by one of the authors and already available for CPU in the open-source BootCMatch code. The AMG method relies on a new approach for… | |
Parameter estimation for cardiovascular flow modeling of fetal circulation |
The present paper represents a first methodological work for the construction of a robust and accurate algorithm for the solution of an inverse problem given by the identification of the parameters of a lumped mathematical model of fetal circulation introduced by G. Pennati et al. (1997). The… | |
Modelling the European Central Bank official rate: a stochastic approach |
Numerical results of a bioventing model |
Bioventing is a clean-up technology essentially used to remove hydrocarboon from polluted subsoil by the action of microorganism. The model is based on the theory of fluid flows in porous media and on the mathematical description of population dynamics. The numerical results of a simplified model… | |
First example of Sentinel-1 InSAR PWV maps assimilation into a high resolution NWP to improve the forecast of convective system in atmosphere |
We study the impact of assimilating very high-resolution Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) maps into a non-hydrostatic Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model by the three-dimensional variational (3D-var) technique. PWV maps are obtained by processing the Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR),… | |
Z-controlling with awareness a SEIR model with overexposure. An application to Covid-19 epidemic |
We apply the Z-control approach to a SEIR model including a overexposure mechanism and consider awareness as a time-dependent variable whose dynamics is not assigned a priori. Exploiting the potential of awareness to produce social distancing and self-isolation among susceptibles, we use it as an… | |
Modelli e progettazione ottimale nella decontaminazione del sottosuolo mediante bioventing |
Il bioventing e' una tecnologia di decontaminazione del sottosuolo. Alcune specie batteriche presenti nel sottosuolo stesso biodegradano l'inquinante - ad esempio un idrocarburo - mediante un processo che richiede ossigeno; quest'ultimo e' fornito per mezzo di iniezione di aria in pozzi praticati… | |
Numerical solution of moving boundary problems in glacier flow |
Beside geographical and physical characteristics of the environment, mostly temperature changes drive glacier dynamical evolution with subglacial and supraglacial water release or approaching a metastable state. The appearance of subglacial lakes filling bedrock depressions, glacier sliding,… |