Abstract in atti di convegno

Local effects of depth-dependent water content of ice and snow and firn layers temperature on a conjectured subglacial lake under Amundsenisen Icefield (Svalbard).

Numerical modelling of liquid/solid phase transitions

Using an Auction Algorithm in AMG based on Maximum Weighted Matching in Matrix Graphs,

La partecipazione nei metodi delphi-simili

Subsoil decontamination with biological techniques: a bio-fluid dynamics problem

Survival betterment as competitive leverage in insurance sector: profitability analysis for a class of participating variable annuities

Changes in Protected Areas: the ECOPOTENTIAL view

Protected Areas are subject to long-term modifications associated with climate and environmental change, enhancing the risk of ecosystem collapse, tipping points and unexpected responses to droughts, fires, floods and other individual events. One of the goals of the EU H2020 Project ECOPOTENTIAL…

Mathematical models and issues in designing subsoil decontamination by bioventing

Differentiability properties of Orlicz-Sobolev functions

Computational biology modeling across different scales

One of the most formidable challenges in modern biology is to get a unified view of the various mechanisms governing the behavior and of the causal relationships among different parts of a living system. It is coming clearer nowadays that to get such comprehensive picture computational models…