
Anno: 2022
Gravitomagnetic Helicity
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Momentum recoil in the relativistic two-body problem: Higher-order tails
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Multipolar invariants and the eccentricity enhancement function parametrization of gravitational radiation
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Static and dynamic Melvin universes
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First Post-Minkowskian approach to turbulent gravity
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Radiation-reaction and angular momentum loss at the second Post-Minkowskian order
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Anno: 2021
Higher-order tail contributions to the energy and angular momentum fluxes in a two-body scattering process
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Investigating new forms of gravity-matter couplings in the gravitational field equations
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Einstein, Planck and Vera Rubin: Relevant Encounters Between the Cosmological and the Quantum Worlds
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Gravitational scattering at the seventh order in G: Nonlocal contribution at the sixth post-Newtonian accuracy
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Radiative contributions to gravitational scattering
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Frequency domain analysis of the gravitational wave energy loss in hyperbolic encounters
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Anno: 2020
Comparing effective-one-body Hamiltonians for spin-aligned coalescing binaries
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New solutions of the Ermakov-Pinney equation in curved spacetime
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Detweiler's redshift invariant for extended bodies orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole
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Binary dynamics at the fifth and fifth-and-a-half post-Newtonian orders
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Sixth post-Newtonian local-in-time dynamics of binary systems
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Sixth post-Newtonian nonlocal-in-time dynamics of binary systems
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Godel spacetime, planar geodesics and the Mobius map
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Scattering of tidally interacting bodies in post-Minkowskian gravity
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Anno: 2019
Black hole geodesic parallel transport and the Marck reduction procedure
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Cylindrical gravitational waves: C-energy, super-energy and associated dynamical effects
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Nonlinear-in-spin effects in effective-one-body waveform models of spin-aligned, inspiralling, neutron star binaries
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Godel spacetime: Planar geodesics and gyroscope precession
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Scattering of uncharged particles in the field of two extremely charged black holes
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New gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole: Redshift invariant
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New gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole: Gyroscope precession
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Analytical determination of the periastron advance in spinning binaries from self-force computations
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Anno: 2018
Gravitational self-force corrections to gyroscope precession along circular orbits in the Kerr spacetime
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Detweiler's redshift Invariant for spinning particles along circular orbits on a Schwarzschild background
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Gravitational wave effects on astrometric observables
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On the energy content of electromagnetic and gravitational plane waves through super-energy tensors
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Spinning particles in twisted gravitational wave spacetimes
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On the local isometric embedding of trapped surfaces into three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds
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Gravitational spin-orbit coupling in binary systems at the second post-Minkowskian approximation
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High-energy hyperbolic scattering by neutron stars and black holes
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Gravitational self-force corrections to tidal invariants for spinning particles on circular orbits in a Schwarzschild spacetime
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Gravitational self-force corrections to tidal invariants for particles on eccentric orbits in a Schwarzschild spacetime
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Relative-observer definition of the Simon tensor
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Gravitational self-force corrections to tidal invariants for particles on circular orbits in a Kerr spacetime
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Spin-orbit precession along eccentric orbits: Improving the knowledge of self-force corrections and of their effective-one-body counterparts
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Twisted gravitational waves of Petrov type D
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Twisted gravitational waves
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Anno: 2017
Position determination and strong field parallax effects for photon emitters in the Schwarzschild spacetime
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Hyperbolic scattering of spinning particles by a Kerr black hole
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Anisotropic gravitational collapse and cosmic jets
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Gravitational scattering of two black holes at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation
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Spin-orbit precession along eccentric orbits for extreme mass ratio black hole binaries and its effective-one-body transcription
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Gyroscope precession along general timelike geodesics in a Kerr black hole spacetime
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Hyperbolic-like elastic scattering of spinning particles by a Schwarzschild black hole
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Deviation and precession effects in the field of a weak gravitational wave
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Gravitational spin-orbit coupling in binary systems, post-Minkowskian approximation, and effective one-body theory
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Relativistic Tidal Acceleration of Astrophysical Jets
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Anno: 2016
General relativistic considerations of the field shedding model of fast radio bursts
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Nonlocal gravity: Conformally flat spacetimes
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High post-Newtonian order gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole
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Schwarzschild black hole embedded in a dust field: scattering of particles and drag force effects
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Conservative second-order gravitational self-force on circular orbits and the effective one-body formalism
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Relativistic gravity gradiometry
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Gyroscope precession along bound equatorial plane orbits around a Kerr black hole
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Gyroscope precession along unbound equatorial plane orbits around a Kerr black hole
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Late-time evolution of cosmological models with fluids obeying a Shan-Chen-like equation of state
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Scalar field self-force effects on a particle orbiting a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole
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Confirming and improving post-Newtonian and effective-one-body results from self-force computations along eccentric orbits around a Schwarzschild bh
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Scattering by a Schwarzschild black hole of particles undergoing drag force effects
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New gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric orbits around a Schwarzschild black hole
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Anno: 2015
Dynamics of extended bodies in a Kerr spacetime with spin-induced quadrupole tensor
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Slicing black hole spacetimes
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Tidal invariants along the worldline of an extended body in Kerr spacetime
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Analytic determination of high-order post-Newtonian self-force contributions to gravitational spin precession
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Weitzenböck's torsion, Fermi coordinates, and adapted frames
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Radiation drag in the field of a non-spherical source
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Detweiler's gauge-invariant redshift variable: Analytic determination of the nine and nine-and-a-half post-Newtonian self-force contributions
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Particles under radiation thrust in Schwarzschild space-time: a flux perpendicular to the equatorial plane
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Effect of an arbitrary spin orientation on the quadrupolar structure of an extended body in a Schwarzschild spacetime
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Chronology protection in the Kerr metric
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Orbital effects due to gravitational induction
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Massless Dirac particles in the vacuum C-metric
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Anno: 2014
Scalar field inflation and Shan-Chen fluid models
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Analytic determination of the eight-and-a-half post-Newtonian self-force contributions to the two-body gravitational interaction potential
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Perturbative evaluation of the scalar two-point function in the cosmic microwave background power spectrum
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Two-body gravitational spin-orbit interaction at linear order in the mass ratio
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Peculiar velocities in dynamic spacetimes
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Observer-dependent optical properties of stationary axisymmetric spacetimes
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Refraction index analysis of light propagation in a colliding gravitational wave spacetime
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Deviation of quadrupolar bodies from geodesic motion in a Kerr spacetime
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Gravitational self-force corrections to two-body tidal interactions and the effective one-body formalism
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Particle dynamics and deviation effects in the field of a strong electromagnetic wave
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High-order post-Newtonian contributions to the two-body gravitational interaction potential from analytical gravitational self-force calculations
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Extended bodies in a Kerr spacetime: exploring the role of a general quadrupole tensor
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Anno: 2013
Dynamics of quadrupolar bodies in a Schwarzschild spacetime
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The Erez-Rosen metric and the role of the quadrupole on light propagation
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Light scattering by radiation fields: the optical medium analogy
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On the Modification of the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Spectrum from Canonical Quantum Gravity
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Analytic determination of the two-body gravitational interaction potential at the 4th post-Newtonian approximation
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Analytic determination of the two-body gravitational interaction potential at the 4th
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Friction forces in cosmological models
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Effects of friction forces on the motion of objects in smoothly matched interior/exterior spacetimes
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Anno: 2012
Particle scattering by a test fluid on a Schwarzschild spacetime: the equation of state matters
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Observer-dependent tidal indicators in the Kerr spacetime
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Effective action approach to higher-order relativistic tidal interactions in binary
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Particle motion in a photon gas: friction matters
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Spacetime Splitting, Admissible Coordinates and Causality
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Tidal indicators in the spacetime of a rotating deformed mass
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Separable geodesic action slicing in stationary spacetimes
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Scattering of particles by radiation fields: a comparative analysis
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de Sitter spacetime: effects of metric perturbations on geodesic motion
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Scattering by an electromagnetic radiation field
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The signal from an emitting source moving in a Schwarzschild
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Radiation pressure vs friction effects in the description of the Poynting-Robertson scattering process
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Anno: 2011
Effective geometry of a white dwarf
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Accelerated orbits in black hole fields: the static case
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Spin-geodesic deviations in the Kerr spacetime
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Effect of radiation flux on test particle motion in the Vaidya spacetime
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Electromagnetic waves in gravitational wave spacetimes
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Three-band decomposition analysis of wall shear stress in pulsatile flows
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Fermi coordinates in Schwarzschild spacetime: closed form expressions
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Spin-geodesic deviations in the Schwarzschild spacetime
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The general relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect II: A photon flux with nonzero angular momentum
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Anno: 2010
Spinning bodies and the Poynting-Robertson effect in the Schwarzschild spacetime
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Effective geometry of the n=1 uniformly rotating self-gravitating polytrope
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The Kerr-Schild ansatz revised
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On the universality of spiral waves
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Anno: 2009
Electrocardiogram of the Mixmaster Universe
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Dixon's extended bodies and weak gravitational waves
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Kerr spacetime with an arbitrary mass quadrupole moment: geometric properties vs particle motion
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On vortices heating biological excitable media
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The general relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect
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Anno: 2008
On the linearization of the Belinski-Alekseev exact solution for two charged masses in equilibrium
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Analogy between capillary motion and Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology
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Spin-rotation couplings: spinning test particles and Dirac field
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Quadrupole effects on the motion of extended bodies in Kerr spacetime
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On the emission coordinate system for the Earth
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Massless field perturbations of the spinning C metric
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Dixon's extended bodies and impulsive gravitational waves
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On the effective geometries in classical selfgravitating systems
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Quadrupole effects on the motion of extended bodies in Schwarzschild spacetime
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Gravitational induction
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Charged massive particle at rest in the field of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole: II. Analysis of the electric field lines
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Physical frames along circular orbits in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes
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Anno: 2007
Charged massive particle at rest in the field of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole
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On the equilibrium of a charged massive particle in the field of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole
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The speciality index and the Lifshitz-Khalatnikov Kasner index parametrization
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Strains and axial outflows in the field of a rotating black hole
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Anno: 2006
Massless spinning test particles in vacuum algebraically special spacetimes
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Heat transfer in FitzHugh-Nagumo models
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Strains in General Relativity
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Compatibility of physical frames in relativity
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Frenet-Serret formalism for null world lines
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Spin precession along circular orbits in the Kerr spacetime: the Frenet-Serret description
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Anno: 2005
Spinning test particles in Weyl spacetimes
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Limitations of Radar Coordinates
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Periastron shift in Weyl class spacetimes
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Spinning particles in the vacuum C metric
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Charged spinning particles on circular orbits in the Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime
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Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
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Viscoelastic Fizhugh-Nagumo models
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Kerr metric, static observers and Fermi coordinates
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C metric: the equatorial plane and Fermi coordinates
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Taub-NUT spinless particles and Schwarzschild spinning particles
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The Speciality Index as invariant indicator in the BKL mixmaster dynamics
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Anno: 2004
Algebraically special frequencies of NUT black holes
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Vacuum C-Metric and the Gravitational Stark Effect
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Petrov classification of perturbed spacetimes: the Kasner example
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Spin, acceleration and Gravity
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Geometric transport along circular orbits in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes
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Spinning test particles and clock effect in Schwarzschild spacetime
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Spinning test particles and clock effect in Kerr spacetime
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Stationary spacetimes and the Simon tensor
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The origins of causality violations in force-free simulations of black hole magnetospheres
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The Simon and Simon–Mars tensors for stationary Einstein–Maxwell fields
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Superposition of Weyl solutions: Circular orbits
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Anno: 2003
Ray tracing in relativistic astrometry: the boundary value problem
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Gravitomagnetism in the Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT spacetime
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Test particle motion in a gravitational plane wave collision background
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Equatorial Plane Circular Orbits in the Taub-NUT Spacetime
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de Rham wave equation for tensor valued p-forms
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Neutrino current in a gravitational plane wave collision background
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Massless fields and gravitomagnetism in the Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime
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Circular Holonomy, Clock Effects and Gravitoelectromagnetism: Still Going around in Circles after all These Years
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Orbiting frames and satellite attitudes in relativistic astrometry
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