Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo
"Mauro Picone"
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo
"Mauro Picone"
H2020 Project ECOPOTENTIAL: making best use of remote sensing and in-situ observations to improve future ecosystem benefits |
This poster has been presented at the first ILTER Open Science Meeting in Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 9-13 October 2016 (, and describes the general purposes and organization of the H2020 project ECOPOTENTIAL (http://www.ecopotential-project.… | |
Multigrid Variational Image Segmentation and Accomodative Algorithms |
Iterative approach to self-adapting and altitude-dependent regularization for atmospheric profile retrievals |
Motor learning induces changes in MEG resting-state oscillatory network dynamics |
Motor learning induces changes in resting-state (RS) network properties in fronts-parietal (Albert et al, 2009) and sensorimotor (Taubert et al, 2011) networks. This study explores the putative modulations of spontaneous resting-state oscillations following a sensori-motor learning task. The task… | |
Electrostimulation of a 3D in vitro skin model to activate wound healing |
The aim of the work is to propose a methodology for the stimulation of a 3D in vitro skin model to activate wound healing. The presented work is in the frame of the national research project, CronXCov, "Checking the CHRONIC to prevent COVid-19", devoted to understand how physiologic and inflamed… | |
Wavelets and splines for vertical scratch removal in old movie sequences |
Flexible Services for People Transportation: a Simulation Model |
Action Perception: Top-Down Effects |
Welcome to NeuroPype: A Python-based pipeline for advanced MEG and EEG connectivity analyses |
Here we describe NeuroPype, which is a free open-source Python package, we developed for efficient multi-thread processing of MEG and EEG studies. The proposed package is based on the Nipype framework , a tool developed in fMRI field, which facilitates data analyses by wrapping many commonly-used… | |
Numerical simulation of a multi-group age-of-infection model |
Age of infection epidemic models [1, 3], based on non-linear integro-dierential equations, naturally describe the evolution of diseases whose infectivity depends on the time since becoming infected. Here we consider a multi-group age of infection model [2] and we extend the investigations in [4], [… |