Abstract in atti di convegno
Modelli e progettazione ottimale nella decontaminazione del sottosuolo mediante bioventing |
Il bioventing e' una tecnologia di decontaminazione del sottosuolo. Alcune specie batteriche presenti nel sottosuolo stesso biodegradano l'inquinante - ad esempio un idrocarburo - mediante un processo che richiede ossigeno; quest'ultimo e' fornito per mezzo di iniezione di aria in pozzi praticati… | |
Numerical solution of moving boundary problems in glacier flow |
Beside geographical and physical characteristics of the environment, mostly temperature changes drive glacier dynamical evolution with subglacial and supraglacial water release or approaching a metastable state. The appearance of subglacial lakes filling bedrock depressions, glacier sliding,… | |
Controlling drug delivery from multi-layer polymeric coated capsules |
BootCMatchGX: a scalable iterative linear solver for multi-GPU systems |
Time Asymptotic High Order Schemes for Dissipative BGK Hyperbolic Systems |
Pathways identification in cancer survival analysis by network-based Cox models |
Gene expression data from high-throughput assays, such as microarray, are often used to predict cancer survival. However, available datasets consist of a small number of samples (n patients) and a large number of gene expression data (p predictors). Therefore, the main challenge is to cope with the… | |
Oxygen dynamics in bioventing subsoil decontamination |
Correlation between global gene expression patterns and magnetic resonance imaging findings in glioblastoma multiforme |
Text Lines and Words Variational Extraction from Ancient Printed Documents |
Algebraic Multigrid Based on Maximum Weighted Matching in Matrix Graphs Exploiting an Auction Algorithm |