Abstract in atti di convegno

Modelli e progettazione ottimale nella decontaminazione del sottosuolo mediante bioventing

Il bioventing e' una tecnologia di decontaminazione del sottosuolo. Alcune specie batteriche presenti nel sottosuolo stesso biodegradano l'inquinante - ad esempio un idrocarburo - mediante un processo che richiede ossigeno; quest'ultimo e' fornito per mezzo di iniezione di aria in pozzi praticati…

Numerical solution of moving boundary problems in glacier flow

Beside geographical and physical characteristics of the environment, mostly temperature changes drive glacier dynamical evolution with subglacial and supraglacial water release or approaching a metastable state. The appearance of subglacial lakes filling bedrock depressions, glacier sliding,…

Controlling drug delivery from multi-layer polymeric coated capsules

BootCMatchGX: a scalable iterative linear solver for multi-GPU systems

Time Asymptotic High Order Schemes for Dissipative BGK Hyperbolic Systems

Pathways identification in cancer survival analysis by network-based Cox models

Gene expression data from high-throughput assays, such as microarray, are often used to predict cancer survival. However, available datasets consist of a small number of samples (n patients) and a large number of gene expression data (p predictors). Therefore, the main challenge is to cope with the…

Oxygen dynamics in bioventing subsoil decontamination

Correlation between global gene expression patterns and magnetic resonance imaging findings in glioblastoma multiforme

Text Lines and Words Variational Extraction from Ancient Printed Documents

Algebraic Multigrid Based on Maximum Weighted Matching in Matrix Graphs Exploiting an Auction Algorithm