
Reconstruction of thin inhomogeneities in a conductor from electrical boundary

Solute wave through curved arteries

Inversioni di Temperatura, Vapore Acqueo ed Ozono con tecniche statistiche basate sulla riduzione della dimensione

Kinetics of in vivo proliferation and death of CD44high and CD44int/low CD8 T cells: parameter estimation based on BrdU incorporation in spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow.

Lattice Boltzmann method for phase-separating liquid-vapor systems

Comparison estimates in anisotropic variational problems

Eugenio Elia Levi, normalista e volontario e caduto nella grande guerra

Eugenio Elia Levi (1883-1917) fu uno dei più grandi matematici italiani del 900, come del resto il fratello Beppo. La sua produzione scientifica fu tanto profonda quanto differenziata, venne immediatamente apprezzata negli ambienti matematici internazionali e, a distanza di un secolo, conserva…

Fully anisotropic elliptic problems with minimally integrable data

We investigate nonlinear elliptic Dirichlet problems whose growth is driven by a general anisotropic N-function, which is not necessarily of power-type and need not satisfy the $\Delta_2$ nor the $\nabla_2$ -condition. Fully anisotropic, non-reflexive Orlicz-Sobolev spaces provide a natural…

A renewal equation approach to behavioural epidemic models: analytical and numerical issues

Epidemic models structured by the age of infection can be formulated in terms of a system of renewal equations and represent a very general mathematical framework for the analysis of infectious diseases ([1, 2]). Here, we propose a formulation of renawal equations that takes into account of the…

Perturbations and gravitomagnetism in the Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime