We focus on the extension of the MLD2P4 package of parallel Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) preconditioners, with the objective of improving its robustness and efficiency when dealing with sparse linear systems arising from anisotropic PDE problems on general meshes. We present a parallel implemen- tation of a new coarsening algorithm for symmetric positive definite matrices, which is based on a weighted matching approach. We discuss preliminary re- sults obtained by combining this coarsening strategy with the AMG components available in MLD2P4, on linear systems arising from applications considered in the Horizon 2020 Project "Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computing applications" (EoCoE).
Autori IAC
Tipo pubblicazione
Altri Autori
A. Abdullahi, P. D;Ambra, D. di Serafino, S. Filippone
Curatori Volume
Lirkov, Margenov
Titolo Volume
Large-Scale Scientific Computing