The Fourth Conference of Young Applied Mathematicians (YAMC) in Rome is organized by Ph.D. students and PostDocs from the University of Pavia, the University of Siena, the University of Bath, the IAC CNR, the SISSA in Trieste and the University Campus Biomedico of Rome. In particular, the conference targets Master's students, PhD students, and PostDocs interested in the fields of Numerical Modelling, Numerical Analysis, Machine Learning, and Statistics.
Each conference day will be opened by a plenary talk given by senior lecturers.
The Young Applied Mathematicians Conference will focus on Numerical Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Machine Learning, and Statistics. The topics covered may include, but are not limited to: Machine Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Geometric Deep Learning, Generative Models, Natural Language Processing, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Optimization, and Uncertainty Quantification.