4th Young Applied Mathematicians Conference |
The Fourth Conference of Young Applied Mathematicians (YAMC) in Rome is organized by Ph.D. students and PostDocs from the University of Pavia, the University of Siena, the University of Bath, the IAC CNR, the SISSA in Trieste and the University Campus Biomedico of Rome. In particular,… |
I giardini di Cutting EEG |
La conferenza… |
21esimo Congresso Mondiale IMACS |
Torna, con la sua 21esima edizione, il Congresso Mondiale dell'IMACS - International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. A Roma, dall'11 al 15 settembre 2023, oltre duecento presentazioni scientifiche, organizzate in sessioni generali, minisimposi e sessioni speciali,… |
Workshop Modellistica socio-epidemiologica |
The workshop is dedicated to the contributions of the mathematical community in developing robust mathematical models in epidemiology, social and population dynamics, and their applications as a tool for understanding and investigation, in close connection with experimental approaches. … |
Giornata IAC 2022 |
I ricercatori dell'IAC si incontrano e si confrontano sullo stato di avanzamento delle attività nelle diverse Attività di Ricerca. La giornata è aperta a tutti e si svolgerà in presenza, a Roma, via dei Taurini, 19, aula Piano Terra. Registrazioni a… |
Italian Soft Days 2022 - Fifth Edition |
After the previous four successful editions in 2014, 2016, 2018 and (on-line) 2020, we are happy to announce the fifth edition of Italian Soft Days, which will be held on-site in Bari on September 29 and 30, 2022. In the ISoDays2022 Organizing Committee: … |
Symposium on Cancer and Genere Regulation |