Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo
"Mauro Picone"
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo
"Mauro Picone"
Continuum models of drug transport to multiple cell-type populationContributo in volume |
Multicomponent Lattice Boltzmann models for biological applicationsContributo in volume |
Coupling microscale transport and tissue mechanics: modelling strategies for arterial multiphysicsContributo in volume |
Transdermal Drug Delivery and Percutaneous Absorption: Mathematical Modeling PerspectivesContributo in volume |
On the role of phase change in modelling drug-eluting stentsContributo in volume |
Drug release in biological tissuesContributo in volume |
The lattice Boltzmann method as a general framework for blood flow modelling and simulationsContributo in volume |
A Lattice Boltzmann method on unstructured grids with application in hemodynamicsContributo in volume |
Modelling drug release in cardiovascular eluting stentsContributo in volume |
Propagation of a solute wave in a curved vesselContributo in volume |
A mathematical model of solute dynamics in a curved arteryContributo in volume |
Numerical modelling of blood flow in a stented arteryContributo in volume |
An integral formulation for fluid-structure interaction in hemodynamicsContributo in volume |
A heterogeneous approach for modelling blood flow in an arterial segmentContributo in volume |
Pulsatile blood flow in small vesselsContributo in volume |