The main goal of the project is to develop a prototype of Digital-Twin (DT) of CH monitored sites based on a mathematical simulation algorithm for porous materials taking into account multiple degradation factors based on laboratory experiments on materials and considering environmental data. As a result, thanks to a better understanding of the underlying phenomena, as well as the qualitative and quantitative description of the emergent dynamics for the identification of the cause/effect mechanisms responsible for chemical and structural deterioration of CH stones, DT’s outputs will allow the optimization of conservation strategies and of the application of protective treatments. Our aim here is to use a model-based approach to predictive maintenance, where the degradation processes of CH are described by PDE-based mathematical models, that will be calibrated by means of experimental data with the application of optimization tools.
Pilot site: Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, Rome, Italy
Scientific Coordinator of the Project: Matteo Semplice.
Scientific Responsible of IAC-CNR Reaserch Unit: Gabriella Bretti
Scientific Responsible of Parma University Reaserch Unit: Francesco Freddi