We develop a modelling approach for the optimal spatiotemporal control of invasive species in natural
protected areas of high conservation value. The proposed approach, based on diusion equations, is
spatially explicit, and includes a functional response (Holling type II) which models the control rate
as a function of the invasive species density. We apply a budget constraint to the control program
and search for the optimal eort allocation for the minimization of the invasive species density. Both
the initial density map and the land cover map used to estimate the habitat suitability to the species
diusion, have been generated by using very high resolution satellite images and validated by means of
ground truth data. The approach has been applied to the Alta Murgia National Park, one of the study
site of the on-going H2020 project ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benets Through
Earth Observations' (http://www.ecopotential-project.eu) which has received funding from the European
Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641762. All the
ground data regarding Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle presence and distribution are from the EU
LIFE Alta Murgia Project (LIFE12 BIO/IT/000213) titled Eradication of the invasive exotic plant species
Ailanthus altissima from the Alta Murgia National Park funded by the LIFE+ nancial instrument of
the European Commission.
Autori IAC
Tipo pubblicazione
Altri Autori
C.M. Baker, P. Blonda, F. Casella, F. Diele, C. Marangi, A. Martiradonna, S. Ragni, C. Tarantino