The huge volumes of Earth Observation (EO) data and their processing is overwhelming for many employees in Protected Areas (PAs) and hence not often undertaken. The need is to provide a tool that transforms EO data into easy to interpret and use products. The Virtual Laboratory, empowered by cloud-computing technologies, allows the execution of multiple workflows (modules) and models, tailor made for the needs of the Protected Areas, accessible and open for all. Latter minimizes the requirement for local installations to execute relevant applications.
Autori IAC
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Altri Autori
Ioannis Manakos CERTH, Georgios Kordelas CERTH, Kalliroi Marini CERTH, Marios Bakratsas CERTH, Georgios Chantziaras CERTH, Lucian Simionesei IST, Tiago Bramos IST, Francisco Javier Bonet Garca UCO, Javier Herrero Lantarn UGR, Mara Jos Polo Gmez UCO, Mara Surez Muoz UGR, Carmela Marangi CNR, Angela Martiradonna CNR, Fasma Diele CNR, Damiano Pasetto EPFL, Jonathan Giezendanner EPFL, Ghada El Serafy DELTARES, Alex Ziemba DELTARES, Joo F Gonalves ICETA, Joo Honrado ICETA, Salvador ArenasCastro ICETA, Anna Cord UFZ, Javier Bustamante CSIC, Diego Garcia CSIC, Ricardo DazDelgado CSIC