Extended versions of the Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu theorems on the limit as
s->1^- of the Gagliardo-Slobodeckij fractional seminorm are established in the
Orlicz space setting. The results hold for fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces built upon
general Young functions, as well. The case of Young functions with an asymptotic
linear growth is also considered in connection with the space of functions of bounded
An extended version of the Maz'ya-Shaposhnikova theorem on the limit as s->0^+
of the Gagliardo-Slobodeckij fractional seminorm is established in the Orlicz
space setting. The result holds in fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces associated with
Young functions fulfilling the \Delta_2-condition, and, as shown by counterexamples, it
may fail if this condition is dropped.
This is a joint work with Andrea Cianchi, Lubos Pick and Lenka Slavikova.
Autori IAC
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Altri Autori
Angela Alberico