Mercoledì 13 aprile alle 14.30 Claudia Angelini, dirigente di ricerca dell'IAC, sarà ospite del ciclo dei "Seminari generali dell'IAC 2022".
Di seguito l'abstract del seminario (che si svolgerà in italiano).
The widespread use of high-throughput techniques that can measure various omics data at an unprecedented resolution level has changed biomedical research shifting the challenges from data collection to data analysis. This talk will introduce the basic concepts behind omics data analysis and present two novel methods. The first method, Jewel, is aimed to estimate the underlying graphical models by integrating several datasets. The second method, COSMONET, describes a novel method that combines statistical screening and network-penalized survival analysis to identify prognostic gene signatures in cancer. For both methods, we will describe the mathematical problem, the proposed algorithm or pipeline, the results obtained from the analysis of gene expression data, and the corresponding R packages.
Il seminario sarà trasmesso in streaming sul canale YouTube dell'IAC @CNR IAC.
I precedenti seminari 2021 sono, invece, disponibili al link : Playlist Seminari Generali IAC 2022