Spatially explicit models consisting of reaction-diffusion partial differential equations are considered in order to model prey-predator interactions, since it is known that the role of spatial processes reveals of great interest in the study of the effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity. As almost all of the realistic models in biology, these models are nonlinear and their solution is not knwon is closed form. Our aim is approximating the solution itself by means of exponential Runge-Kutta integrators. Moreover, we apply the shift-and-invert Krylov approach in order to evaluate the entire functions needed for implementing the exponential method. This numerical procedure reveals to be very efficient in avoiding numerical instability during the simulation, since it allows us to adopt high order in the accuracy.
Autori IAC
Tipo pubblicazione
Altri Autori
F. Diele, C. Marangi, and S. Ragni
Titolo Volume
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2012 International Conference of Numerical Analysis