Electrospinning is a nanotechnology process whereby an external electric field is used to accelerate and stretch a charged polymer jet, so as to produce fibers with nanoscale diameters. In quest of a further reduction in the cross section of electrified jets hence of a better control on the morphology of the resulting electrospun fibers, we explore the effects of an external rotating electric field orthogonal to the jet direction. Through intensive particle simulations, it is shown that by a proper tuning of the electric field amplitude and frequency, a reduction of up to a 30% in the aforementioned radius can be obtained, thereby opening new perspectives in the design of future ultra-thin electrospun fibers. Applications can be envisaged in the fields of nanophotonic components as well as for designing new and improved filtration materials.
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Altri Autori
Lauricella M.; Cipolletta F.; Pontrelli G.; Pisignano D.; Succi S.
American Institute of Physics,
Physics of fluids (1994)