A 1D mechanistic model can predict duration of in-vivo drug release from drug-eluting stents

We present a general model of drug release from a drug delivery device and the subsequent transport in biological tissue. The model incorporates drug diffusion, dissolution and solubility in the polymer coating, coupled with diffusion, convection and reaction in the biological tissue. Each layer contains bound and free drug phases so that the resulting model is a coupled two-phase two-layer system of partial differential equations. One of the novelties is the generality of the model in each layer. Within the drug coating, our model includes diffusion as well as three different models of dissolution. We show that the model may also be used in cases where dissolution is rapid or not relevant, and additionally when drug release is not limited by its solubility. Within the biological tissue, the model can account for nonlinear saturable reversible binding, with lin- ear reversible binding and linear irreversible binding being recovered as special cases.
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S. McGinty, G. Pontrelli