
Delimitation of Glacier Zones in Svalbard using SAR Images

Tecchio F, Vittoria B, Pascarella A, Cottone C, Cancell A, Vitulano D

Introduction: The brain is a connected network, requiring complex-system measures to describe its organization principles [1,2]. Here, we aim at testing whether the normalized compression distance (NCD) [3] is a suitable quantifier of the functional connectivity between cortical regions. This new…

A Machine Learning Approach for Disease Genes Signatures

In the context of network medicine, disease genes, i.e. genes that have been experimentally associated to the onset or progression of a pathology, show a complex set of features that are not easily reduced to, and grasped by a simple network approach (e.g., studying centrality measures or…

EUA4X- Past, Present and Permanent Activities

Statistical approaches for the analysis of RNA-Seq and ChIP-seq data and their integration

Brain functional connectivity at rest as similarity of neuronal activities

The brain is a connected network, requiring complex-system measures to describe its organization principles. The normalized compression distance (NCD) [1] is a parameter -free, quasi universal similarity measure that estimates the information shared by two signals comparing the compression length…

The storage capacity of an associative memory with superimposed traces

No abstract available

Kinetics of in vivo proliferation and death of memory and naive CD8 T cells: parameter estimation based on BrdU incorporation in spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow.

Dynamic simulation of a flexible transport system

Welcome to NeuroPype: A Python-based pipeline for advanced MEG and EEG connectivity analyses

With the exponential increase in data dimension and methodological complexities, conducting brain network analyses using MEG and EEG is becoming an increasingly challenging and time-consuming endeavor. To date, most of the MEG/EEG processing is done by combining software packages and custom tools…