Quasiharmonic Fields and Beltrami Operators |
A quasiharmonic field is a pair $\Cal{F} = [B,E]$ of vector fields verifying $div B=0$, $curl E=0$, and coupled by a distorsion inequality. For a given $\Cal {F}$, we construct a matrix field $\Cal{A}=\Cal{A}[B,E]$ such that $\Cal{A} E=B$. This remark in particular shows that the theory of… | |
A lattice Boltzmann model with random dynamical constraints |
Intercomparison of two different statistical approaches to the initialization of the physical inversion of IASI radiances for temperature, water vapour and ozone |
Outline of the activities developed by the Italian group: SvalGlac, 3rd year mid-term |
The rate of collision small cloud droplets in turbulent flows |
Coalescence growth of droplets is a fundamental process for liquid cloud evolution. The initiation of collisions and coalescence occurs when a few droplets become large enough to fall. Gravitational collisions represent the most efficient mechanism for multi-disperse solutions, when droplets span a… | |
Quality assessment of MIPAS ESA V8 products before full mission reprocessing |
The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) is a limb-viewing infrared Fourier transform spectrometer that operated from 2002 to 2012 onboard the ENVISAT satellite. The maintenance and the upgrade of both L1 and L2 ESA processors are accomplished by the Quality Working… | |
The dynamic behavior of a self-propelled semiflexible filament of length L is considered under the action of an external unbounded shear flow. The system is studied by using Brownian multi-particle collision dynamics. The system can be characterized in terms of the persistence length Lp of the… | |
On a nonlinear integral equation of Prandtl's type |
, A mathematical model simulatine the effect of vaccine induced immune responses on HIV-1 infection |
Global existence results for MEP hydrodynamical models for semiconductors |