
Solvency appraisal for life annuities: demographic risk measures

Mass transport from a drug-eluting stent: modelling, simulation and design

Rheologic and dynamic behavior of sheared vesicle suspensions

The rheology and dynamics of suspensions of fluid vesicles is investigated by a combination of molecular dynamics and mesoscale hydrodynamics simulations in two dimensions. The vesicle suspension is confined between two no-slip shearing walls. The flow behavior is studied as a function of the shear…

Mathematical models and methods in drug delivery systems

We propose a novel in-silico model for computing drug release from multi-layer capsules. The diffusion problem in such heterogeneous layer-by-layer composite medium is described by a system of coupled partial differential equations, which we solve analytically using separation of variables. In…

Retrieval of surface emissivity from FORUM-EE9 simulated measurements: optimization of constraints

We report the results of the regularization of the surface emissivity for the FORUM instrument.

On a nonlinear integral equation of Prandtl's type

, A mathematical model simulatine the effect of vaccine induced immune responses on HIV-1 infection

Global existence results for MEP hydrodynamical models for semiconductors

A numerical model of an experiment of iron corrosion

Discrete events simulation of a flexible service for people transportation