
Error bounds for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rules

Gaussian quadrature has been extensively studied in literature and several error estimates have been proved under dierent smoothness assumptions of the integrand function. In this talk we are going to state a general error estimate for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature, based on the weighted moduli of…

Long time behaviour of the approximate solution to quasi-convolution Volterra equations

In some important biological phenomena Volterra integral and integrodifferential equations represent an appropriate mathematical model for the description of the dynamics involved (see e.g. [1], and the bibliography therein). In most cases, the kernels of these equations are of convolution type,…

De la Vallée Poussin interpolation method for image resizing

The aim of this talk is to show how de la Vallee Poussin type interpolation based on Chebyshev zeros of rst kind, can be applied to resize an arbitrary color digital image. In fact, using such kind of approximation, we get an image scaling method running for any desired scaling factor or size, in…

Minimizzazione numerica del funzionale di Mumford e Nitzberg

A mathematical model of solute dynamics in a curved artery

Mass diffusion in drug-eluting stents: an analytical approach

Comparing analytical and numerical solution of two delays integral equations

A lattice Boltzmann model with random dynamical constraints

Comparison estimates in anisotropic variational problems

De Finetti e Picone: la nascita dell'informatica in Italia

Bruno de Finetti è senza dubbio una delle figure più importanti per la storia della Statistica e del Calcolo delle Probabilità in Italia. Però i suoi interessi furono molto più ampi e compresero molti settori della cosiddetta matematica applicata. In particolare giocò un ruolo importante nella…