
Mathematical models for chemical aggression of marble

Outline of the activities of the Italian team: SvalGlac, 2nd year mid-term.

An easy-to-use approach for simulating traffic flow on networks

Matematica & Ambiente. L'esplorazione dei ghiacciai polari.

Nell'ambito del workshop d'inaugurazione dell'anno accademico dell'Associazione Matematica & Realta', la presentazione intende offrire alla platea degli insegnanti di matematica delle scuole superiori di secondo grado un esempio realmente implementato di attivita' di studio e ricerca di…

Fractional Orlicz-Sobolev embeddings into Campanato spaces

Optimal embeddings for fractional-order Orlicz{Sobolev spaces into Campanato type s- paces are offered. This is a joint work in progress with Andrea Cianchi, Lubos Pick and Lenka Slavikova.

Cultural Heritage Preservation through Multispectral Imaging: Preliminary Results from the IMAGO Project

The IMAGO project aims to develop an innovative system that utilizes Multispectral Imaging and Augmented Reality (AR) techniques for studying and preserving cultural heritage. By employing machine learning algorithms on multispectral images, the system can detect lost original elements and hidden…

Numerical methods for CSIE in spaces of weighted continuous functions

Bayesian MAP Multiple Hypothesis Procedure

The National Council of Research and the Equal Opportunity Issue

Variational properties of a segmentation functional depending on curvature and with linear growth