
Anno: 2023
A nonlinear model for marble sulphation including surface rugosity and mechanical damage
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Anno: 2022
A moving boundary problem for reaction and diffusion processes in concrete: Carbonation advancement and carbonation shrinkage
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A forecasting model for the porosity variation during the carbonation process
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Parameter estimation techniques for a chemotaxis model inspired by Cancer-on-Chip (COC) experiments
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Modeling ATP-mediated endothelial cell elongation on line patterns
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Nonresonant bilinear forms for partially dissipative hyperbolic systems violating the Shizuta-Kawashima condition
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On the mean field limit for Cucker-Smale models
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Parameter estimation tools for cardiovascular flow modeling of fetal circulation
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Anno: 2021
Asymptotic behavior of 2D stably stratified fluids with a damping term in the velocity equation
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Mass-Preserving Approximation of a Chemotaxis Multi-Domain Transmission Model for Microfluidic Chips
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Estimation algorithm for a hybrid pde-ode model inspired by immunocompetent cancer-on-chip experiment
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Vanishing viscosity approximation for linear transport equations on finite starshaped networks
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Anno: 2020
Numerical optimization of plasmid DNA delivery combined with hyaluronidase injection for electroporation protocol
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Mass-preserving approximation of a chemotaxis multi-domain transmission model for microfluidic chips
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Anno: 2019
A nonlinear model for marble sulphation including surface rugosity: Theoretical and numerical results
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A mathematical, experimental study on iron rings formation in porous stones
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Nonresonant bilinear forms for partially dissipative hyperbolic systems violating the Shizuta-Kawashima condition
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The paradifferential approach to the local well-posedness of some problems in mixture theory in two space dimensions
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Anno: 2018
A discrete in continuous mathematical model of cardiac progenitor cells formation and growth as spheroid clusters (cardiospheres)
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Second-order entropy satisfying BGK-FVS schemes for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
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A rare mutation model in a spatial heterogeneous environment
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A Continuum Mechanics Model of Enzyme-Based Tissue Degradation in Cancer Therapies
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Numerical approximation of nonhomogeneous boundary conditions on networks for a hyperbolic system of chemotaxis modeling the Physarum dynamics
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Anno: 2017
Mathematical model for transport of DNA plasmids from the external medium up to the nucleus by electroporation
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Sondaggio su Archimede: la parola ai lettori (e non)
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Communicating Mathematics: Who, how, where, when and, above all, why?!
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Mathematical modelling of experimental data for crystallization inhibitors
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Well-posedness of a model of nonhomogeneous compressible-incompressible fluids
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Copper corrosion: A mathematical model for the simulation of chemical processes
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Anno: 2016
A fluid dynamics multidimensional model of biofilm growth: stability, influence of environment and sensitivity
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Global existence and asymptotic stability of smooth solutions to a fluid dynamics model of biofilms in one space dimension
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A non-local rare mutations model for quasispecies and prisoner's dilemma: Numerical assessment of qualitative behaviour
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Time asymptotic high order schemes for dissipative BGK hyperbolic systems
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A macroscopic mathematical model for cell migration assays using a real-time cell analysis
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Anno: 2015
A hybrid mathematical model for self-organizing cell migration in the zebrafish lateral line
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A Numerical Comparison Between Degenerate Parabolic and Quasilinear Hyperbolic Models of Cell Movements Under Chemotaxis
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Global existence for a 1D parabolic-elliptic model for chemical aggression in permeable materials
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Rare mutations in evolutionary dynamics
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Global smooth solutions for a hyperbolic chemotaxis model on a network
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Anno: 2014
A hyperbolic model of chemotaxis on a network: a numerical study
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Gene Therapy: The Role of Cytoskeleton in Gene Transfer Studies Based on Biology and Mathematics
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Mathematical model of copper corrosion
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The p53 protein and its molecular network: Modelling a missing link between DNA damage and cell fate
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The dynamics of p53 in single cells: physiologically based ODE and reaction-diffusion PDE models
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Mathematical Desk for Italian Industry: An Applied and Industrial Mathematics Project
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Anno: 2013
A spatial physiological model for p53 intracellular dynamics
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Design and Optimization of Reaction Chamber and Detection System in Dynamic Labs-on-Chip for Proteins Detection
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A fluid dynamics model of the growth of phototrophic biofilms
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Anno: 2012
A hyperbolic model of spatial evolutionary game theory
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Asymptotic high order mass-preserving schemes for a hyperbolic model of chemotaxis
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Anno: 2011
On a continuous mixed strategies model for Evolutionary game theory
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Mathematical Models for Copper Sulfation
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On a continuous mixed strategies model for evolutionary game theory
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Anno: 2010
A spatial model of cellular molecular trafficking including active transport along microtubules
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A One Dimensional Hyperbolic Model for Evolutionary Game Theory: Numerical Approximations and Simulations
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A pressure model of immune response to mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in several space dimensions
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Global existence of smooth solutions to a two-dimensional hyperbolic model of chemotaxis
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On Relaxation Hyperbolic Systems Violating the Shizuta-Kawashima Condition
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Anno: 2009
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Semilinear behavior for totally linearly degenerate hyperbolic systems with relaxation
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A model of ischemia-induced neuroblast activation in the adult subventricular zone
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Anno: 2008
A discrete kinetic approximation for the incompressible Navier Stokes equations
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A non-linear model of sulphation of porous stones: numerical simulations and preliminary laboratory assessments
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Asymptotic high-order schemes for 2x2 dissipative hyperbolic systems
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Mathematics and monuments conservation: Free boundary models of marble sulphation
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Numerical schemes for the Barenblatt model of non-equilibrium two-phase flow in porous media
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Semilinear behavior for totally linearly degenerate hyperbolic systems with relaxation
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Anno: 2007
Asymptotic behavior of smooth solutions for partially dissipative hyperbolic systems with a convex entropy
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Numerical algorithms for simulations of a traffic model on road networks
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Viaggio all'interno dell'Italia matematica: l'IAC-CNR di Roma
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Conservation laws with discontinuous flux
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Intervista a Peter Lax:
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Nonlinear transmission problems for quasilinear parabolic systems
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A mathematical model of sulphite chemical aggression of limestones with high permeability. Part II: Numerical approximation
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Implicit-explicit numerical schemes for jump-diffusion processes
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A mathematical model of sulphite chemical aggression of limestones with high permeability. Part I: Modeling and qualitative analysis
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Global existence and uniqueness of solutions for multidimensional weakly parabolic systems arising in chemistry and biology
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Fast reaction limit and large time behavior of solutions to a nonlinear model of sulphation phenomena
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A fluid-dynamic traffic model on road networks
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Fluid-Dynamic Approach to Traffic Flow Problems
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Anno: 2006
Numerical Approximations of a Traffic Flow Model on Networks
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La Matematica per i beni culturali: le bellezze perdute dell'Acropoli
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Fast algorithms for the approximation of a traffic flow model on networks
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Convergence of a singular Euler-Poisson approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
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Lost beauties of the Acropolis, what mathematics can say
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Asymptotic high-order schemes for integro-differential problems arising in markets with jumps
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Anno: 2005
Global existence of solutions to a nonlinear model of sulphation phenomena in calcium carbonate stones
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Anno: 2004
Convergence of numerical schemes for viscosity solutions to integro-differential degenerate parabolic problems arising in financial theory
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Prevedere le ingiurie del tempo
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Diffusive kinetic explicit schemes for nonlinear degenerate parabolic systems
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La fantasia e la memoria
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A mathematical model for SO2 aggression to calcium carbonate stones numerical approximation and asymptotic analysis
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On a relaxation approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
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Anno: 2003
Global existence of smooth solutions for partially dissipative hyperbolic systems with a convex entropy
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Entropy solutions to a strongly degenerate anisotropic convection-diffusion equation, with application to the backward-forward stochastic differential utility
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A numerical study of a nonlocal model of damage propagation under chemical aggression
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La Matematica - solo quella applicata?- non è più quella di una volta
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Anno: 2001
Convergence of a relaxation approximation to a boundary value problem for conservation laws
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