
Un nuovo appuntamento con la serie "Seminari generali dell'IAC 2023". Mercoledì 28 maggio, sarà la volta di Pasqua D'Ambra, dirigente di ricerca del CNR IAC. 

Il titolo del seminario è: Bootstrap Algebraic MultiGrid Methods in Graph Clustering

Di seguito l'abstract.

Graph Laplacian is a popular tool for analyzing graphs, in particular for graph clustering. Eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian are often used to obtain a geometric representation of the graph which generally enhances cluster properties and improves cluster detection. We apply a bootstrap Algebraic MultiGrid (B-AMG) method, which constructs a set of vectors
associated with the graph Laplacian. These vectors, referred to as algebraically smooth ones with respect to the B-AMG method, span a low-dimensional Euclidean space which we use to represent graphs with possible vertex attributes. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach for effective cluster detection both in synthetic and in realistic graphs.

This is a joint work with Panayot S. Vassilevski from Portland State University and Luisa Cutillo from University of Leeds.


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