Premixed combustion modes in compression ignition engines
are studied as a promising solution to meet fuel economy and
increasingly stringent emissions regulations. Nevertheless,
PCCI combustion systems are not yet consolidated enough
for practical applications. The high complexity of such
combustion systems in terms of both air-fuel charge
preparation and combustion process control requires the
employment of robust and reliable numerical tools to provide
adequate comprehension of the phenomena. Object of this
work is the development and validation of suitable models to
evaluate the effects of charge premixing levels in Diesel
combustion. This activity was performed using the Lib-ICE
code, which is a set of applications and libraries for IC engine
simulations developed using the OpenFOAM® technology.
In particular, a turbulence-chemistry interaction model, based
on the simple Eddy Dissipation Approach, was introduced to
account for the effects of turbulent mixing on chemical
reaction rates. It is a tentative solution to represent the effects
of sub-grid mixing on the chemical reaction rates when
detailed reaction mechanisms are adopted. Chemical reaction
rates were computed by a robust semi-implicit extrapolation
method for integrating stiff Ordinary Differential Equations
with monitoring of both local and global error to adjust stepsize.
To reduce the CPU time when detailed chemistry was
used, both the ISAT (in-situ adaptive tabulation) and DAC
(dynamic adaptive chemistry) techniques were adopted in
combination. Simulations were performed by varying the
charge premixing level from the typical diesel combustion
mode towards an almost completely premixed/HCCI mode
using n-heptane, whose injected mass was split between portinjection
and direct-injection. This allowed a detailed
investigation of the mixed injection conditions, that are
typical of dual fuel configurations without employing fuels of
different chemical nature, composition and ignition tendency.
The choice of using a single fuel was motivated by the need
to isolate the effects of different premixing levels and the
resulting interaction between the charge and the fuel spray.
Measurements for validation were collected by means of
specific experiments on a fully instrumented single cylinder
research engine, having the injection and the combustion
systems architecture typical of the current light duty diesel
engine technology. To realize homogeneous air-fuel charge,
the intake manifold is modified to provide the desired extent
of fuel port-injection.
Autori IAC
Tipo pubblicazione
Altri Autori
Briani M., Fraioli V., Migliaccio M.na, Di Blasio G., Lucchini T., Ettorre D.
Society of Automotive Engineers
SAE technical paper series