In this paper we propose a method for wavelet filtering of noisy signals
when prior information about the L2 energy of the signal of interest is available
Assuming the independence model according to which the wavelet coecients are
treated individually we propose a level dependent shrinkage rule that turns out to
be the ?minimax rule for a suitable class say of realistic priors on the wavelet
The proposed methodology is particularly well suited for denoising tasks where
signal?to?noise ratio is low and it is illustrated on a battery of standard test function
tions Performance comparisons with some others methods existing in the literature
are provided An example in atomic force microscopy AFM is also discussed
Key words and phrases? Atomic force microscopy bounded normal mean ?mini?
maxity shrinkage wavelet regression
Autori IAC
Tipo pubblicazione
Altri Autori
Angelini C.; Vidakovic B.
Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
Statistica sinica