URANSE simulations of complex moving bodies by means of dynamic overlapping grids

In applied hydrodynamics it is presently a general common task to simulate flow around complex shaped ships with moving appendages. As an example the simulation of a turning circle manoeuvre of a full-appended combatant ship is common in manoeuvrability studies. Nevertheless the accurate numerical simulation of turbulent, unsteady flow around a full appended maneuvering complex-shaped hull is a challenging task, because of the geometrical complexity of the appendages present and their relative movement, generating a very complex hydrodynamic flow.
Autori IAC
Tipo pubblicazione
Altri Autori
Zaghi S, Broglia R, Muscari R, Di Mascio A
Titolo Volume
SIMAI 2012.11th C ongress of the Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata ed Industriale