CNR-IAC, partner in the Horizon Europe RESTORE4Cs project and leader of a WP on modelling and scenario development, will host a project meeting in Rome, at the CNR premises of Via dei Taurini ,19, Rome, on 14-16 January, 2025. The meeting aims to showcase the project's proposed modelling approaches and discuss their integration with diverse data sources. This will help study the GHG mitigation potential of coastal wetlands and scale the findings to a European level and to different wetland types.
Healthy wetlands are scientifically recognized for their potential to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the biogeochemical processes and their interactions with both natural and human-induced pressures that enable this service, remain insufficiently understood and modelled. Viewing wetlands as socio-ecological systems presents the challenge of developing an integrative assessment framework that incorporates multiple knowledge domains, with models playing a central role in this framework.