NeuroPycon is an open-source multi-modal brain data analysis kit which provides Python-based pipelines for advanced multi-thread processing of fMRI, MEG and EEG data, with a focus on connectivity and graph analyses [1].
NeuroPycon is based on NiPype framework [2] which facilitates data analyses by wrapping many commonly-used neuroimaging software into a common python framework. Therefore, a major strength of NeuroPycon is that it relies on (and interfaces with) several freely available Python packages developed for efficient and fast parallel processing and that it seamlessly connects with existing open-science neuroimaging and signal processing toolboxes.
The flexible design allows users to configure analysis pipelines defined by connecting different nodes, where each node may be a user-defined function or a well-established tool or python-wrapped module (e.g. MNE-python for MEG analysis [3], etc.).
The current implementation of NeuroPycon contains three different packages:
- ephypype includes pipelines for electrophysiology analysis; current implementations allow for MEG/EEG data import, data pre-processing and cleaning by an automatic removal of eyes and heart related artefacts, sensor or source-level connectivity analyses
- graphpype allows to study functional connectivity exploiting graph-theoretical metrics including also modular partitions
- clipype is a command line interface for ephypype package.
NeuroPycon will shortly be available for download via github (installation via Docker) and is currently being documented. Future developments include fusion of multi-modal data (ex. MEG and fMRI or iEEG and fMRI).
1. Bullmore, Sporns (2009), Nat Rev Neurosci
2. Gorgolewski et al. (2011) Front. Neuroinform
3. Gramfort et al. (2013), Front. Neurosci
Autori IAC
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Altri Autori
David Meunier, Annalisa Pascarella, Daphn BertrandDubois, Jordan Alves, Fanny Barlaam, Arthur Dehgan, Tarek Lajnef, Etienne Combrisson, Dmitrii Altukhov, Karim Jerbi