Il 16 febbraio alle 14.30 ci sarà un nuovo appuntamento con i seminari del ciclo "Seminari generali dell'IAC 2022".
Pierluigi Contucci, professore ordinario presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna, presenterà un lavoro dal titolo: Disorder and fluctuations: from coin tossing to Parisi's complexity theory.
Di seguito l'abstract del seminario (che si svolgerà in italiano).
Parisi's theory of complexity, for which the author was recently awarded the Nobel Prize in physics, is based on his prodigious
solution of the Sherrington and Kirkpatrick model. From his birth, more than forty years ago, up to the present day, that theory has been progressively placed on a mathematically rigorous basis. The conference, aimed at the hard science scholars, will present its main results with a mathematical-physics language emphasizing how it has identified a new paradigm within the critical collective phenomena of complex systems.
Il seminario sarà trasmesso in streaming sul canale YouTube dell'IAC @CNR IAC.
I precedenti seminari 2021 sono, invece, disponibili al link : Playlist Seminari Generali IAC 2022