Age of infection epidemic models [1, 3], based on non-linear integro-dierential equations,
naturally describe the evolution of diseases whose infectivity depends on the time since
becoming infected. Here we consider a multi-group age of infection model [2] and we extend
the investigations in [4], [5] and [6] to provide numerical solutions that retain the main
properties of the continuous system. In particular, we use Direct Quadrature methods and
prove that the numerical solution is positive and bounded. Furthermore, in order to study
the asymptotic behavior of the numerical solution, we formulate discrete equivalents of the
nal size relation and of the basic reproduction number and we prove that they converge
to the continuous ones, as the step-size of the discretization goes to zero.
Autori IAC
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Altri Autori
E. Messina, M. Pezzella, A. Vecchio