Marco Lauricella, PhD in Physics (University College of Dublin), graduated in Chemistry at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, is a senior researcher at the Institute for Applied Calculus "Mauro Picone." He leads the research unit of "fluid matter" at IAC-CNR and is head of the CNR research unit within the PRIN-2022 project MOBIOS (P.I. Andrea Montessori). He was head of the CNR research unit within the PRIN-2017 project 3D-Phys (P.I. Dario Pisignano) and the European project ERC GRANT "Full-scale COmputational design of Porous mesoscale MATerials (COPMAT)" (P.I. Sauro Succi). His expertise is in atomistic computational methods, both quantum and classical, and mesoscale simulation via Lattice Boltzmann methods. In the framework of statistical physics, he studied rare events via advanced sampling methods. His research interests include the dynamics of multicomponent fluids (e.g., emulsions, foams), transition phase processes, and nucleation phenomena. He is one of the authors of LBSoft, a specific-purpose open-source software for soft glassy emulsion simulations, and LBcuda, a cuda version of LBSoft for GPU-based HPC clusters.