Abstract in atti di convegno

A discrete time version for models of population dynamics in the presence of an infection

We present a set of difference equations which represents the discrete counterpart of a large class…

Time series factor analysis for the European Economy

Geosphere-biosphere interactions in European Protected Areas: a view from the H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL Project

The large H2020 project ECOPOTENTIAL (2015-2019, 47 partners, contributing to GEO and GEOSS http://…

A computational procedure for the design of subsoil decontamination by bioventing techniques

Symmetric Discrete Fourier Tansform

A matrix formulation a the DFT of complex even and complex odd sequences will be presented and,…

Salt-wedge intrusion in river mouths in high discharge periods induced by wind effect


The containment of the invasive species is a widespread problem in the environmental management,…

Tecniche Numeriche per la gestione ottimale di flussi

Statistical issues for combining replicates and nearby species data and different omics

A fast algorithm for solving nonlinear hypersingular integral equation

We present an algorithm to solve Netwon methods for nonlinear hypersingular integral equation of…