Reaction spreading on percolating clusters

Reaction-diffusion processes in two-dimensional percolating structures are investigated. Two different problems are addressed: reaction spreading on a percolating cluster and front propagation through a percolating channel. For reaction spreading, numerical data and analytical estimates show a power-law behavior of the reaction product as M(t)~tdl, where dl is the connectivity dimension. In a percolating channel, a statistically stationary traveling wave develops. The speed and the width of the traveling wave are numerically computed. While the front speed is a low-fluctuating quantity and its behavior can be understood using a simple theoretical argument, the front width is a high-fluctuating quantity showing a power-law behavior as a function of the size of the channel.
Autori IAC
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Altri Autori
Federico Bianco ; Sergio Chibbaro ; Davide Vergni ; Angelo Vulpiani
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics,
Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics (Print)