A destination-preserving model for simulating Wardrop equilibria in traffic flow on networks

In this paper we propose a LWR-like model for traffic flow on networks which allows to track several groups of drivers, each of them being characterized only by their destination in the network. The path actually followed to reach the destination is not assigned a priori, and can be chosen by the drivers during the journey, taking decisions at junctions. The model is then used to describe three possible behaviors of drivers, as- sociated to three different ways to solve the route choice problem: 1. Drivers ignore the presence of the other vehicles; 2. Drivers react to the current dis- tribution of traffic, but they do not forecast what will happen at later times; 3. Drivers take into account the current and future distribution of vehicles. Notice that, in the latter case, we enter the field of differential games, and, if a solution exists, it likely represents a global equilibrium among drivers. Numerical simulations highlight the differences between the three behaviors and offer insights into the existence of equilibria.
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Altri Autori
Emiliano Cristiani, Fabio S. Priuli
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Networks and heterogeneous media