Hydrodynamical Numerical Simulations of Complex-Shaped Moving Bodies by means of Dynamic Overlapping Grids

In this work the numerical simulations of a submarine in straight ahead motion with the appendages at several prescribed deflection angles are performed. Due to the complex geometry involved (the presence of moving appendages), these simulations are rather demanding form the point of view of both grid generation and accuracy of the numerical method. In order to analyze these aspects, the numerical solutions are computed by means of an unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations solver, which is particularly effective because of the high order discretization schemes adopted. From the point of view of mesh construction, a dynamic overset grid technique is used, where each geometrical element of the whole geometry is discretized with a set of block-structured body-conformal mesh with partial overlapping (Chimera approach). In the present paper, the details of the method and numerical results for several deflection angles of the bow and stern planes are presented.
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S. Zaghi, A. Di Mascio, R. Muscari and R. Broglia