Two-dimensional Fluctuating Vesicles in Linear Shear Flow

The stochastic motion of a two-dimensional vesicle in linear shear flow is studied at finite temperature. In the limit of small deformations from a circle, Langevin-type equations of motion are derived, which are highly nonlinear due to the constraint of constant perimeter length. These equations are solved in the low-temperature limit and using a mean-field approach, in which the length constraint is satisfied only on average. The constraint imposes non-trivial correlations between the lowest deformation modes at low temperature. We also simulate a vesicle in a hydrodynamic solvent by using the multi-particle collision dynamics technique, both in the quasi-circular regime and for larger deformations, and compare the stationary deformation correlation functions and the time autocorrelation functions with theoretical predictions. Good agreement between theory and simulations is obtained.
Autori IAC
Tipo pubblicazione
Altri Autori
R. Finken, A. Lamura, U. Seifert, G. Gompper
EDP Sciences
The European physical journal. E, Soft matter (Print)