Regularized lattice Boltzmann multicomponent models for low capillary and Reynolds microfluidics flows

We present a regularized version of the color gradient lattice Boltzmann (LB) scheme for the simulation of droplet formation in microfluidic devices of experimental relevance. The regularized version is shown to provide computationally efficient access to capillary number regimes relevant to droplet generation via microfluidic devices, such as flow-focusers and the more recent microfluidic step emulsifier devices. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Autori IAC
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Altri Autori
Montessori, Andrea; Lauricella, Marco; La Rocca, Michele; Succi, Sauro; Stolovicki, Elad; Ziblat, Roy; Weitz, David
Pergamon Press.
Computers & fluids